

The following outlines criteria for closing Kent ISD's programs and offices due to inclement weather and other impacts that prevent normal operations, ensuring the safety of students and staff while maintaining service continuity whenever possible.


Decisions to close programs and offices will be made as early as possible to allow families, students and staff to make alternate arrangements for their school and work day. 

In the event of inclement weather, decisions to close are made ideally before 5:30 a.m. due to the early bus pick-up and start times of our student programs. 然而,这并不总是可能的.

Kent ISD relies heavily on the closure decisions of our local districts because our programs serve schools and students from across the region. In most cases, Kent ISD will wait for district decisions to be made before closing our programs and offices, 除非我们的设施受到严重影响.



When the decision to close is made, the announcement will be shared:

  • Kent ISD的社交媒体账号(Facebook, Instagram和X)
  • 有关uedbet官网ued西甲赫塔菲官网统计处网页(KentISD.org, TheTechCenter.org, MySchoolatKent.org)
  • 通过电话、短信和/或电子邮件通知员工、学生和家庭
  • 电视:WOOD TV8, WZZM - 13, FOX - 17, WWMT - 3


  • Phone, text and email notifications will only reach those who have provided up-to-date contact information. Students, families and staff are encouraged to update their contact information on the proper platforms as needed.
  • 由于严重的延误和不同的程序和标准, families and staff should not rely on local television as their only source of information for closings.


Kent ISD will typically close student programs including uedbet官网, MySchool@Kent, Launch U, 所有特殊教育中心项目, 也可能是办公楼,如果:

  • 我们服务的所有20个公立学区都接近OR -
  • The number of local districts closing leaves Kent ISD programs with a very small number of students in attendance. This may happen when 17-18 school districts we serve close, depending on the size of the districts.

uedbet官网ISD仍然开放,但一些地区关闭, some of our programs may close as well due to their location in a closed district, for example:

  • 伟大的开始准备计划 preschool classrooms will typically close when the district in which the classroom is located closes, or the community-based organization in which the classroom is located closes.
  • 特殊教育中心项目 will typically close one or more locations when the district in which a program is located closes. For example, Lincoln School and Lincoln Developmental Center will close when 森林山公立学校 close.
  • 早期,光明开端和区域CTE项目 staffed by Kent ISD will typically cancel activities or close when the district is which a program or activity is located or scheduled closes. 例如,如果洛厄尔地区的学校关闭, Bright Beginnings playgroups and Early On services to families in Lowell would be canceled. These same activities would still be open in other districts that are open.
  • Adult Education will typically close one or more location when the district in which the program is located closes, 比如大急流城社区学院关闭, Sneden Hall的成人教育也将关闭. Also, 如果我们服务的20个公立学区全部关闭, or so many districts would close that we would be left with a very small number of students in attendance. Note: Adult Education evening classes may be held if a district or school is closed during the day, 但在下午或晚上恢复正常活动.


Kent ISD may close student programs and offices independently of local school districts if the program or building or surrounding area is impacted by severe weather, the effects of that weather or if there are other challenges to safe operations. 考虑因素包括但不限于:

  • Road conditions
  • 电力、水、网络或其他公用事业中断或问题
  • Direct impact to Kent ISD facilities, such as flooding or structural damage



An initial evaluation of weather forecasts and current conditions, 或者公用事业服务问题, is conducted by designated staff which may include the Superintendent, 设施主管和其他人员.


  • 国家气象局
  • 本地天气预报(电视及网上资料)
  • 州和地方应急管理机构


  • Continuous monitoring during forecasted severe weather conditions
  • 在已知的高危天气期间提高警惕

Communication & 与学区总监协商

  • Early and ongoing communication between Kent ISD and local districts during a predicted or emerging weather event is critical to gauge closure decisions and understand regional impact and alignment.
  • Communication between local district superintendents and the ISD is also critical to ensure Kent ISD’s awareness of local closures as soon as possible.

Final Decision

  • The Superintendent (or designee in their absence) will make the final decision regarding closure based on gathered information and established criteria.
  • 由于我们的课程服务于来自整个地区的学生, Kent ISD relies heavily on the closure decisions of our local districts. In most cases, we will wait for district decisions to be made before closing our own programs. Exceptions include when our own facilities are significantly impacted.


Early Dismissal

  • 如果恶劣的天气条件来袭或恶化, 或者在上学或上班期间发生了公用事业中断, Kent ISD may opt to dismiss students early from Special Ed Center Programs, 取消uedbet官网的一个或多个课程, MySchool@Kent, Launch U, 成人教育和/或提前关闭办公大楼.
  • Communication of early dismissal/closure will be shared via the same communication channels as a full-day closure.


  • 当uedbet官网ISD设施关闭时, typically only essential staff who maintain operations and safety for those facilities will report
  • In the event Kent ISD offices or programs are closed and districts remain open, non-union staff will be informed by their supervisor of remote or onsite work expectations and protocols as necessary in order to maintain services to open districts. Staff who are part of a bargaining unit should refer to their current year contract for details.
  • Typically, 当uedbet官网郡警署办公室关闭的时候, per policy, 员工只有在主管的指导下才能远程工作.